Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Goodbye, for now

(This was written nearly a week ago, I've just slacked a bit on posting!)

This morning the first thought that entered my mind when I woke up was “today is my last day…” and immediately I started to think of the things I wanted to make sure to do. Knowing that I’ll be returning in a month has been one of the main things that has helped me rationally think through how to best spend my last few days. There is still sadness in the goodbyes, but hope that we will once again be together.
But knowing that I am returning does not ensure that things will be the same when I return. In fact, I know they won’t be. Kids will have left, new kids will have come. Because of this, I wanted to be intentional about spending my last day with this specific group of kids well, in case another chance does not come in a month, or rather because I know it will not come with this same group of children.

God was very gracious to give us a beautiful morning. My first class has recently dwindled to one child over the past week (the other two are on a floor that has been on isolation due to chicken pocks…as you can imagine, that can turn into a big problem in a house with 140 children!) I let her choose what we did, and of course she chose to go outside. Despite her red runny nose and chilled hands, she was perfectly content and joyful to swing for the entirety of our class time.
The following class, although no special activity planned, was just a very sweet time. I love to watch this group of kids interact with each other. They are constantly conversing with me and each other, and I love to watch how they graciously care for and help one another.

Our last class was spent outside, blowing bubbles and drawing with sidewalk chalk. It’s amazing what a simple bottle of bubbles can do. I love this age so much; the newness, the excitement, the expressiveness at being able to not only learn and form new words, but learning that they have the ability to use those words as well. Before class was over, we enjoyed a bit of time of the playground.

I had some work I needed to get done in the afternoon, which turned out to be a blessing. I was visited by what I've come to dub my "lolipop gang"...a group of sweet kiddos from our 4th floor who make their way to our office each day and know exactly where I keep my Dum-Dums stashed...
Who could resist this face?
Needless to say, not me

I needed to get some pictures of a few kids and it gave me a reason to go in and visit with new kids, which as I have mentioned in previous posts, I have been a bit hesitant to do. It really turned out to be such a sweet time and a reminder of something I love so much...

Sweet reminders of what's to look forward to...


  1. I am so glad to see WC in the 3rd class!! He looks so good!!! Miss you!

  2. Oh, How I miss my babies! Thanks for the pics Becca
